The Expanse
The Expanse is set in the future where humanity has colonized the solar system and the people of Earth, Mars and the Asteroid Belt have long been in opposition with one another. When the crew of the Rocinante uncovers an ancient alien technology, a vast conspiracy begins to emerge, one that will bring the solar system to the brink of war. The Expanse is a high-action, sci-fi adventure that explores the depth of humanity against the far-spanning reaches of the known universe. The series is rooted in science and fiction while remaining a thorough and thoughtful examination of some of the most vital societal issues of our day.
The Hugo award winning series, based on the hugely popular science fiction novels by James S.A. Corey, was developed and scripted by the Academy Award nominated writing duo Mark Fergus and Hawk Ostby who executive produce the series alongside Naren Shankar, Andrew Kosove, Broderick Johnson, Laura Lancaster, Sharon Hall, Sean Daniel, Jason Brown, Daniel Abraham, Ty Franck and Dan Nowak. Shankar serves as showrunner for all seasons. The Expanse is produced by Alcon Television Group.
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